Tuesday, February 12, 2013

To a new beginning

Here I am!! Finally...
I have dreamed of this day for so long!

I am not a writer, and I don't think I am great at it, but funny as it may be, I dream of living the life of one of them! Well... to some degree that is! ;) I sometimes day dream that I am sitting at a tiny round table in a coffee shop, with my laptop in front of me. It's Fall outside, and it starts to get colder. The cozy coffee shop is filled with the warm smell of coffee beans roasted in pumpkin spice ~ my favorite flavored coffee! ~ As I am slowly sipping my coffee, I glance at my surroundings, waiting for an inspiration. Then, there it is... The words start dancing in my mind, and so I start typing on my little keyboard.

I love to share my ideas, and I really enjoy writing. I have been journaling for about 12 years, and I've always wondered how it would be to write for others.

When I first became an Au Pair, 6 years ago, I started a travel blog for my family. It was mainly to enable them to follow me throughout my American journey, I was posting my pictures and wrote regularly about each day. Right...! That was my goal anyway! After a while, I realized I was too busy taking care of the baby and hanging out with my girlfriends on my off time! Also, that year I met the love of my life, and well... I just couldn't keep up with updating a blog...
Since that time, I definitely kept blogging in the back of my mind and was hoping to someday start it over. But, I think for years I was worried, didn't really know what to write, how to write, if it would be interesting, and if anyone would read my posts...

The new year, becoming a newlywed,  moving into a new house, and a very strong desire to have something of my own in this new life made me realize this could be the perfect time to ~re~ start blogging!! No more questions about if I should do it, nor what I should write, bottom line is I want to do it!! Now is time to take actions!!! I just want to have fun with it, fulfill my craving for writing, and I guess we'll see where it brings me!

I am so eager to start this new beginning with you, family, friends, and readers.

*A big thanks to Blogger for enabling me to pursue my dream! ;)

Now, a question for you...
Have you ever experienced such a situation in which you have strong feelings about something, but you spend your time wondering and questioning yourself about the subject?
Share your experience... And, most importantly... What happened in the end?! Were you able to transform that situation into one full of Positudiness?

In the end, I think we should all...

Seize The Day For  A

Life in Positudiness!



  1. Wow! It's been a busy year for you! Well I am excited to follow along!

    1. Thank you so much Therena!! Happy you joined me! Good luck to you with your wonderful projects!


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