Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kitchen Arrangement 1/3 ~ Moving Around for More Counter Space

I really like spending time in the kitchen.  I enjoy just sitting down at the table, reading articles from my iPad ~ok, more like going on Pinterest or my fav blogs!~ or drinking coffee, but most of all, I love to cook!  

The problem is, I like to have and need a lot of counter space when I cook.  Unfortunately, the kitchen in our cute rental house isn't very big and there is not enough counter space for me.  Especially not when the microwave and the oven/toaster oven are there taking so much room! 
I also had my drying mat right in between the sink and the microwave.  So, pretty much no room at all for anything else on the right side of the sink!

When I was good ~and not leaving any dishes to dry on the counter, then I would fold the mat and put the black drying basket on top of it.  I found that way actually very useful for little items like knives or coffee cups that I would wash quickly and let dry on there without taking sooo much of the left over counter space!

I really needed a change in the kitchen.  I couldn't stand the lack of counter space and bulky things in sight as soon as I would come into the room.
I tried hiding the microwave in the pantry, but there is no outlet in there which makes it difficult to use, and the microwave is extremely heavy to take in and out!  So, no luck on that side!

The only new place I found for it was on our kitchen table.
It's ok there... for now anyways! 
It's not in our way, we still have plenty of room to put our plates and eat, and it's practical to heat up a quick meal! No need to get up, just put the plate in it and when it's ready take it out and eat without even moving!! ~haha!!! yes, we're sometimes lazy!!~ ;)

I gained some room on the counter and was happy!  I still have that drying mat, but it doesn't take too much room, so that will be it for now!

Until next time...

Organize Your House For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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