Saturday, March 9, 2013

Moving In Finally!!

Hubby just left to go pick up our "Pod" ~moving container~ from Uhaul!!!

We had all of our living supplies ~clothes, kitchen stuff, minor furniture...~ shipped from our condo in South Florida where we lived for 4 years, for school reasons,

Before... Right in our backyard
Before... Our condo was in the building on the left~that's what we would see from our balcony 
to our new rental house in North New Jersey! 

Now... The street we live on!
~Yes, the adjustment has been rough, especially for me since I moved up in the Heart of the Winter, December 20th... Hubby was at least lucky to have a progressive adjustment, he came up in August~ 
We moved into our new house 2 months ago, after we got married, and I have been dying to get all my stuff!!
I missed my kitchen appliances so much, and of course, my clothes, shoes, etc.  Although, now that I think about it... not sure those clothes and shoes are appropriate for the freezing weather up here!

Anyhow, I'm so excited that we are getting our boxes!!!
We are finally Officially Moving In!!!

I guess we'll be pretty busy this weekend!!
Have a good one!
And remember...

Seize The Day For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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