Friday, May 24, 2013

Storage Bags Extravaganza

Here in the U.S., storage bags ~ziploc~ are a must in a household.  Whether it is to pack a sandwich, put some leftover away, or store chips and crackers in a resealable bag, I probably use them on a daily basis, and I am sure I'm not the only one!! 
So of course when we moved into the house, I had to buy a bunch of them ~4 different sizes~ which I had tucked away in a drawer next to the rolls of aluminium foil, etc.  

Home Organization: sort your storage bags with cans

It was very practical in that specific place, and they fit perfectly!  I wanted to keep it that way, but clearly, it wasn't going to happen with all of the additional boxes I received along with all the other kitchen tools and supplies from Florida !! 

How was I going to find room to store them little baggies?!  

So, as always, I looked around the house for inspiration on how to organize my house!
And I landed eyes on these cans ~which yes, every time I use a vegetable can to cook, I recycle and always keep around, and Hubby thinks I'm absolutely nuts, but hey! it comes in handy once in a while, see!!! ;)~

Home Organization: sort your storage bags with cans

So I took the bags out of their cardboard boxes, made sure to place them all in the same direction ~Resealable ends all together~ ...

... Folded them once ...

... Folded them twice ...

~I grouped them by sizes, when possible, like in the picture below~

... And placed them into the cans.

And in the drawer they all went! ~I placed the cans in opposite directions so that the baggies would face each other for an easier and quicker grab!~

Home Organization: sort your storage bags with cans

Now, everybody fits in there nicely and neatly!
And I still had room for the aluminium foil, clear plastic wrap, silicon baking liners ~my favorites!!~, silicon glove and coffee filters. Winning!!! ;)

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