Friday, June 28, 2013

French Friday #1

Hey there everyone!!!  Today is my very first post for this new edition of French Friday.  This means, sorry my fellow Americans and other English speaking readers...  This post is intended to be written for my friends and family who do not understand a word of English, and will summarize this past week for them ~it's just a condensed repeat of my Ikea hack, Phoenix trip and the fantastic hotel we stayed at, and my entryway makeover.  It is therefore going to auto-translate itself in French in  3, 2, 1....

Bonjour tout le monde!!! Ca y est!!! C'est Vendredi!  Bienvenu sur ma premiere edition rien que pour vous du Vendredi Francais ~ce que je continuerais a appeler en anglais: French Friday~.  
**Mon clavier d'ordinateur n'a pas les accents, donc desolee si c'est un peu difficile a lire... Je trouverais une autre solution pour la semaine prochaine...**

Alors voila, pour resumer les quatre articles de cette semaine, au menu nous avons:

  1. des meubles Ikea reinventes 
  2. des photos a gogo de notre Mini Lunes de Miel dans un hotel magnifique en Arizona
  3. et des images des environs: Phoenix, Scottsdale et Sedona en Arizona
  4. et pour finir, je vous montre l'ammenagement de notre "entree" dans notre petite maisonnette!
Vous etes pret?!  Prenez un petit cafe' ou un apero, suivant l'heure qu'il est, ca risque d'etre long!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Entryway Makeover

We have been renting and living in this house for almost 6 months.  We must have changed the rooms around at least twice each room!!  Personally, I need change, constantly.  I think I get bored of one way, but sometimes it's also for the area to be more convenient!

I am not a fan of front doors opening right into the living or dining area, but that's how it is in our house.
I had to somehow make a separation, as well as incorporate a space for purses, keys, change, and most importantly our shoes which we must leave by the door.  ~I insist on having a shoe-free house, because I think it's the grossest thing to walk in the streets, get poo and dirt or whatever on our shoes, then bring all those yucky things in our cozy nest...~

I got three Expedit shelving units from Ikea.  One of my friends from Florida had done this exact combination of the shelving units in her condo, and I thought it was a great idea.  It fit perfectly as my entryway separator.  A bit bulky, yet open since the squares were hallow from both sides.  I loved this setting.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Arizona - Wordless Wednesday

Today, I'm trying something new...  I've recently found out about "Wordless Wednesday", a post where bloggers only publish pictures on... you guessed it, Wednesdays!  Sounds pretty cool.

Those of you who follow me have probably already seen a few pictures on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, but here is our First Mini Honeymoon in Arizona, Part 2!
**Most of the pictures where taken while driving, around Phoenix, Scottsdale, and on the way to Sedona, AZ, so some are a little crooked... :)**

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Phoenix, AZ - The Phoenician

Saturday, June 15 - Tuesday, June 18, Hubby and I went on our First Mini Honeymoon.  Woohoo!!!!  
** Warning this is a looong post ~ but most of it are pictures! ;) **

This trip was very last minute.  We first wanted to go to San Francisco, CA because we love this town, but when we started talking about what our needs for this first getaway were, we realized that all we needed was to relax, bathe in the sun, lay by a pool, just take it easy for once.
So, San Francisco was not the best, it was not so warm, not really a place to stay by a pool, more like a city to visit and walk a lot.  My In-Laws had told us so much about Arizona we had been dying to go there.  Once Thursday night came, there we were looking for flights to go to Phoenix, AZ.  We had so much to do at home prior to leaving, we did not even bother finding a hotel.

Friday all day, we both were off, so we rearranged the house...again... We switched the office and lounge which I started talking about in yesterday's post.

And Saturday very early morning, we flew to Phoenix.

Monday, June 24, 2013


When we bought our bed frame from Ikea, MALM bed frame, we had in mind to eventually add the side tables from the same series.  I really liked the set which included 2 shelving units ~with 3 shelves, a 2-in drawer and a glass top~ and a long hollow piece, as long as the bed frame, which would go between the wall and the bed.  The shelving units were on wheels, and you could bring them in and out of the long piece, therefore hiding the shelves behind the bed. 

Here is the set.  This was taken in our bedroom, before the bed frame went in front of it.
However, at $150 for this three-part set, we could not afford it right away.
A month later, we went back to Ikea to look for lights and, oh what a surprise, the MALM bedside sets were on sale for $50!!! ~yes a $100 discount~  Now, that was a good deal!  
~They must have been discontinued because I can't even find them in their catalog anymore...~

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Challenge // Defi de l'Ete

I've spent hours trying to write this post, looking for the right words to use, trying to talk about some of my feelings, and open up, and finally I was done, happy about it... Then, somehow, it all disappeared... How I don't like when this happens!... :(
Now, it's getting late, and I don't have the courage to try rewriting it all, so to keep it quick and simple, I've been tired of not putting myself and my project first.  I always do things that have to be done, and keep the things that matter to me the most for last, sometimes not having the energy or time to do them anymore.  It has made me pretty unhappy, I need change...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Salmon Quiche


- Salmon in a can ~or fresh would be fine ;)~
- 1 zucchini
- 1 tomato
- 1 pie crust
- 3 eggs
- salt, pepper, herbs ~I use either Italian Seasoning or Herbes de Provence~
- a 8 or 9 in. pan ~ square or circle, it doesn't matter~

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pimp My Jar

A simple way to make a glass jar more attractive

Here was a simple sauce jar I had and wanted to use to store rice away.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Phoenix, Arizona

Hubby and I are on a little vacation ~or what we call it our first mini honeymoon~ in Phoenix, Arizona. 
We landed Saturday, June 15 and are leaving Tuesday night.  We are staying in the most beautiful resort in the area, The Phoenician. 
Here is a sneak pick... 
To view more pictures follow me on Instagram or go on LIP's Facebook Page and "like" the page! (You can also click on the widgets in the column on the right to find the links to network accounts!)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Remodeled Pitcher

When we moved in, our super awesome landlord let us keep a few items that she had left here.  Among them, this pitcher.  
I really liked it for some reason, but definitely not a fan of the J&B Scotch Whisky advertisement!! 

I wanted to update it, change it, paint it, but I liked the yellow/green color of it ~it doesn't look so appealing in these pictures, but it's actually one of my favorite greens~.  I decided to make something else of what was inside of the white frame, only.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Attention Lovely Readers!

Hello everybody!
Just a quick post here on technical issues.

It's been brought to my attention over the weekend that Life In Positudiness runs very slowly on some web browsers (i.e., Internet Explorer).  If that's the case for you too, I suggest using Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome, which are much quicker browsers.  As for Apple users, I am sure Safari works great!


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