Thursday, July 18, 2013

No-Bake Choco Treat 3minute-Recipe

Do you ever have a craving for a chocolate something after dinner, or throughout the day too?! 
I do, and last night, I needed something quick and easy to make, to eat right away!!  This is what I came up with.
*Just as a friendly warning, some of the pictures are not too appetizing, I admit... But trust me, the result will be worth it!

-1.5 cup Graham crackers
-2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
-1Tablespoon Nutella
-5 squares Hersey chocolate bar
-3 big Marshmallows (or 10 small ones)
-Parchment paper
Choco treats no bake, 3 minute recipe with peanut butter chocolate marshmallows

1. Break the graham crackers into a frying pan.  Add the butter to brown the crackers on high heat for 30 seconds.

2. Lower your flame. Add the peanut butter right into the pan.  Mix.

3. Add the chocolate squares and the nutella. Mix everything.

4. Turn the stove off. Add the marshmallows.  If you use big ones, break them apart.  Let them melt while mixing everything together.
Chocolate Peanut Butter

5. Once everything is completely melted, let it cool down.

6. Pour your mixture onto one half of the parchment paper.  Spread it nicely onto the whole surface of the paper.

7. Cover the Choco Treat with the other half of the paper.  And pat it flat with your hands.

8. Once the mixture feels cool enough, place it flat in your freezer.  Let it sit there for about one hour.  If you are too inpatient to wait for it to harden, you may eat it the way it is! It taste heavenly fine even hot!!

9. When the treat is hard, take it out of the freezer, uncover the top layer of paper and cut the Choco Treat into squares!

10. That's it!! Enjoy!
Oh and ... eat it fast, it will melt quickly! ;)
~Or just take out a couple at a time, leave the rest in the freezer...~
chocolate peanut butter recipe

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