Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New Horizon

Happy New Year Dear Friends!!!!

I hope you all had fabulous holidays. 

My husband and I spent Christmas by my family, in France, this year.  We had a great week.  
Sorry for the blurry pic...
I was enjoying a nice cup of Vin Chaud (warm wine, not sure what it's called in English) at the Christmas Market in my hometown, Annecy France.

Today, I had the privilege to be introduced by Wendy, the creator and author of Pretty Well Organized, as a contributor to her blog for 2014!
Along with three other talented ladies, Niki from Hello Stripes, Angela from Blue i Style and Lisa from Dwell Delightfully, I will be sharing my way on organizing different part of my house and life!

Wendy is starting a brand new challenge called Pretty Well Organized Challenge. Check out her post here on all the details about it, and make sure to take part in it!  It will be fun, and you will be able to find lots of ideas, tips and tricks all about organizing. Use the hashtag #pwoorganizationchallenge to categories your posts and join on the experience!

This month of January is focusing on organization around the office.  Here is how Wendy broke down the month for an easier way to get organized:


I count on you to join us with this exciting plan!

Stay tuned for more exciting news coming up tomorrow.  I have more fun things to do for you and a giveaway!! Woohoo!!!!  

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