Monday, February 18, 2013

Broccoli and Asparagus Quiche + Lettuce and some Real French Salad Dressing

1 pie crust
3 eggs
1 zucchini
2 cups of broccoli - broken into small tiny bunches
1 bunch of asparagus (about 12)
shredded cheese
a pinch of Salt
1/2 teaspoon of Pepper 
2 teaspoons of Seasoning ~ Kirkland Signature Organic No Salt Seasoning

Cooking Time: 
45 minutes at 380degree
~Make sure to preheat your oven~

About 4, depending on how hungry you are ;-)

Last Wednesday, I was craving a good healthy quiche!
I looked in my fridge for some veggies to put in it and found lots of broccoli and asparagus that needed to be eaten quickly, how perfect! These would be the base of my quiche for the night!
I added 1 zucchini and 3 eggs. ~ First, I was thinking two eggs, but when I made my egg mixture I realized I needed an other one!

Align the ends of your bunch of asparagus. Cut the ends off ~about 1 in.

Cut the asparagus into 1 in. pieces. Rinse them well and dry.
Set aside.

Peel the zucchini ~ I like to keep some skin on mine, I usually peel it in 4 areas long ways.
Rinse well and pat dry with a paper towel.
Cut it in half, then divide each half in quarters long ways.

Slice the zucchini in thin quarters.
Set aside.

Grease your pan ~ I like to use canola oil. Make sure the oil is in all the curves of your pan so that the pie crust won't stick to it when it bakes.
Place the dough into your pan. If the dough breaks as you process, just dab the broken area with a bit of water and gently pull the broken pieces close together. The water will seal the broken dough.

~ That's exactly what happened to me and the reason why there is a shiny area on my dough on the bottom right corner of the picture! ~

Punch the dough several times with a fork. This will prevent the dough from bubbling. The holes will allow the air to circulate all around and cook the dough evenly. ~ Don't forget the sides! ~

Now, layer your veggies. Put the zucchinis first, add the asparagus, and top with the broccoli.

Make your egg mixture. Break your eggs into a bowl and whisk them well.

Add salt, pepper and seasoning. Mix some more!

~~Added Bonus, but not required... add a tablespoon full of sour cream. This will give the mixture a creamier texture.   ~That's how I love mine!

Pour your egg mixture onto the veggies.
Make sure that the mixture is nicely spread out throughout the whole pan. If not, take the pan and move it around a couple of time. This will allow the egg mixture to even out.

**Note: the mixture is going to go to the bottom of the veggies layers, it is not necessarily going to cover all the greens before it cooks. That's ok! It will expend a bit while it cooks and will nicely set/hold the veggies in the quiche. I am not a big fan of thick egg coated quiches, but you may definitely add another egg or two for more protein and consistency, or if you want to feed more people! :-)

~~Last minute addition: a few cherry tomatoes sliced in the middle for a splash of color!

Finally, sprinkle shredded cheese all over your veggies ~ about a handful...

Place your quiche in the middle of your oven ~ I use my Kitchen Aid oven/toaster oven ~ for about 45 minutes. 
~!!~ I would suggest to check it once in a while to make sure it doesn't burn! Every oven is different and the baking process may differ. I often have to review my cooking time depending on the kind of oven I use. For final results, you want the cheese to melt and brown and the dough to brown as well. It needs to be crunchy.

*As I cook, I use a mini square tray as a counter disposal. 
I love to watch Rachael Ray's shows, and I always try to pick up some cooking tips from her!
A long time ago, I saw that she uses a "garbage bowl" as she cooks!
It's so genius and so convenient!!! 
Unfortunately, RR's garbage bowl is a bit pricey for me, so I looked around my house but never found the perfect item to serve this purpose ... until last week ...
I had bought my mini tray just and only because it had French words on it and it was cheap, but I honestly wasn't really using it for anything else than decor in my kitchen! It was sitting on the top of my stove looking pretty. Until one day... I started cooking ~ I don't even remember what. I had just cleaned my kitchen thoroughly and didn't want to dirty my counters with trash ingredients, but the garbage can is far from the counter, and I didn't want to waste time going back and forth. That's when I saw my sad little tray from the corner of my eyes, and there it was - I assigned it a brand new very important mission!!! Becoming my "garbage bowl" or well... tray! It's funny how a tiny change like that can make my life so much easier and happier when I cook!*

Okay, let's return to our meal recipe!!

To accompany the quiche, my Hubby and I enjoy an nice and simple green lettuce. I like the Artisan Lettuce from Costco because it has about 4 different kind of lettuces in the package, and it is so better as an tasting experience to have different lettuces than one plain old one ~ like Romaine Lettuce as we used to do for years... :-( We got so tired of it!!
Just cut the ends, separate the leaves, wash in cold water and dry. The leaves are a bit big so break them in between your fingers. It's better than cutting them with a knife.
French people say that "Lettuce shall never be cut"! I don't know why, but I've heard it a lot while growing up!

Now, time to introduce you to my very own and favorite French salad dressing...
Well, not really my own since that's kind of the way we make them in my France ~ at least in my family!
My Dad is THE salad dressing maker in my family, he always makes it so tasty!
Here is my version of it, with a little twist...

For two servings:
1 Tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar 
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
1 tsp of 
a pinch of salt and pepper
and the most important ingredient for a French salad dressing... 
The Maille Dijon Mustard
This one is imported right from France ~ my parents brought it back when they came in December for my wedding and Christmas.
I believe this kind of mustard is available in any grocery store around you, but it might be a bit pricey!
So... not to worry though you can use any kind of mustard! 

Whisk all the ingredients together until you get this creamy-lucious looking dressing.
Taste it on the tip of your finger ~ I just love doing that! ~ to see if it has the right amount of bitterness, spiciness and goodness for you!!

Now, just wait patiently for your quiche to be ready ~ or for your hubby to come home because he is running late and completely forgot to let you know... ;-)
Meanwhile, you can definitely reward yourself for your heard work with a glass of wine!

Minutes later, voila! Your quiche is so perfectly ready!!! 


Bon Appetit!!

What's your favorite salad dressing? Please share your recipes!!
I always look forward to new tastes on my salads!

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