Saturday, February 16, 2013


I loooove Quiches! They remind me so much of France!

Quiches are really easy to make and are healthy and delicious! My hubby is a fan of them. One entire quiche usually lasts us the night ~although, I try to be reasonable and keep a serving for my lunch the next day!~ The left over holds perfectly and is pretty transportable for a lunch on the go!

As my Aunt Flo once taught me, you can make a quiche with any kind of vegetables/flavors that you want. Plus, whenever you don't know what to cook for dinner, or don't have much time, quiches are the perfect solution! They only take about 10min to prepare, then just let it bake in the oven for approximately 45min!

I prefer to make mines with lots of veggies because it's an easy way to eat your serving of greens for the day! And, I always have a few vegetables that sit in my fridge for a while, so before they go bad, I just throw them in a nice little quiche mixture. It's perfect!!

All you need is one pie crust, some eggs ~2,3 or 4~, a bit of sour cream, cheese, and any kind of other fresh ingredients you like.
Just mix everything together, put it on your pie crust, bake it in the over et voilĂ !

Since I kinda make quiches regularly, I might share with you my favorites whenever I make one!

Feel free to share your combinations of ingredients! I'm always up to trying new yummy meals!

Enjoy Healthy Meals For a

Life in Positudiness!


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