Friday, March 1, 2013

2 months anniversary!

My Hubby is the best!!

He texted me on his way home from work to ask me if he could cook dinner tonight ~ a first since we've been living in this house, so I was really happy and excited!

Then, he came home with fresh meat, olives, a baguette, and ... this beautiful bouquet.
He gave it to me saying "Happy Two Months"!!
     ~I know, it's only been two months, but we are really excited about being married, so each month means a lot to us!~

I was so embarrassed...
I had completely forgotten it was our wedding anniversary...
That's because of silly February with only 28 days and NO 29th!!! It tricked me, I didn't see the number 29, so I didn't even think about it!

Thank you so much Hubby! I love you!

Seize The Day For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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