Saturday, March 2, 2013

Updating Under-the-Kitchen-Sink Cabinet!

Rearranging the kitchen is a lot of fun, especially when you end up with more space in the room! 

Last Tuesday, I rearranged the cabinet under the kitchen sink {click link to view post} by just adding an upside-down cardboard box ~found in my basement, ready to go to the recycle center~ and 2 small plastic bins form the dollar store.


It's been more practical.  Now I can get anything I need right away, without moving stuff around!

Today, I wanted to beautify it a bit.
I simply added a colorful polka dot shelf liner on top of the box ~found at my local dollar store~ and... Ta Da!!

It makes it so cute! Or at least more enjoyable to look at!

Simple, easy, tiny change... Love it!!

Make Little Changes For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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