Monday, March 4, 2013

Kitchen Arrangement 3/3 ~ Beautifying a Little Something!

Last week, when I started rearranging my kitchen,  I assigned my husband and I a specific place ~a ceramic tile~ for our respective glasses for water.

But just in case the color difference was not enough ~Blue for him, Beige for me~ I decided to embellish them with some metallic glass enamel paint.

~In French, "Elle" means "Her", and "Lui" is "Him"~

That's really it, very simple, but it's cute, and I'm sure Hubby will like it!  
He loves anything French!  ~ Well sure... I guess that's why he married me!!! ;) ~
Plus, that way it will teach him 2 new words!!!

Maybe I should do this more often... Name everything around the house for him to learn my language!! haha!! That would be fun!
And then, I'll teach you guys too! What do you think?! 

Make Little Changes For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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