Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kitchen Windowsill Garden

I love having a window right above the sink!  It's wonderful to be able to wash dishes or do whatever I may do in this area and see birds, flowers, snow ~in the winter~.  I think it's therapeutic and relaxing to be able to glance out the window and see pretty things while doing not-so-fun house chores.  I've missed having that a lot in FL, so I enjoy it even more now!

I really wanted to have some fresh herbs in the kitchen, but the windowsill was too narrow.  

From our recent move to NJ, I had some leftover wire baskets from Ikea ~$2.99~ that I used in the condo in FL to hold all my spices on the kitchen wall above the counter.

Bygel Wire Basket from IKEA ~

Bygel Rail from IKEA
The Bygel baskets are paired with the above rail ~Bygel Rail for $2.99 or $3.99, depending on the size~. 
I couldn't install those on the wall in this rental house, so I had to re-purpose them somehow ~or throw them in the attic, but I really don't like to waste organizing tools!~
I decided to make a windowsill garden with the help of these baskets. 
Unfortunately the Bygel rails did not fit in the window opening ~I own both sizes, but one is too short and the other too long!!~ Bummer!!
But I did find something to solve my problem: a thin curtain rod ~which was actually already fixed to the window and fit the Ikea baskets perfectly!~
I hammered in the rod at the height that I wanted and put everything in place.

Tada! Easy Breezy Beautiful ~No, it's not Covergirl! haha!!~

For now, I have Basil, Rosemary and flowers, and I still have to find some fancier pots.
I also added some hanging candles ~souvenir from friends' wedding~ to make it extra pretty. 

Here is a Before/After comparison!

So, what do you think about this quick and easy "windowsill garden"?! 
Feel free to share!  I am curious to see what you think or if any of you guys have a little "garden" of your own!

Make Little Changes For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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