Monday, April 29, 2013

Outdoor Fixings - The deck

My husband and I had a fabulous weekend!  We were super busy, but it all was really gratifying, satisfying and much different than usual, in a great way!

We decided that after living in this house for 4 months already ~and since the first warmer days had arrived~ it was way time to have our friends over!!
Saturday night we invited my Hubby's childhood friends with their wives/girlfriends for a mini house warming party, and Sunday we had his parents and one of the brothers and his fiancee over.  It really was such a good experience to finally have people over and show our home.
Plus tonight, 2 of my best friends from the Au Pair time are coming from France to visit us ~woohoo!!! so excited!!!~.  
So, with all this company coming to us, we really had to get the house done!!

Since the previous weekend we had rearranged the whole house ~we moved around 3 rooms out of 4 on the first floor!~ it was now time to take care of our house from the outside. 
In the back, we power-washed the deck.  It was filled with moss and dirt.  We felt uncomfortable going on it, and I was getting a bit grossed out by the fact that we would be bringing dirt onto the carpet ~which is in the room when we first come in the house from the deck (really don't like that, but gotta deal with it...)~

The pictures can't really show how black it looked, but as I was power-washing, coats of black dirt would come up and splash all over.  It was a bit gross. 

It took Hubby and I a couple of hours, it was a tedious and tiring job ~that hose thingy is quite heavy for my little arms!~ but hard works pays off!!! 

Check it out now!!! Ooooo Pretty!!! ;)

Almost like new!!
Well, except when you look at it too close.  I guess it's an old deck because the wood is in a pretty bad shape.  But anyways, it's better this way, isn't it?!!

We and our guests had a great time dinning on this deck.  We had the BBQ going, some beers in that super duper cooler from Hubby's brother, and lots of great talks!!  It was awesome and perfect!
Except that once it got dark out, it also got really chilly, so we had to move back in the coziness and warmth of the inside!


  1. Hey Sandie! The deck looks great all cleaned up. The wood doesn't look too beat up though. Maybe you can consider putting a sealant to protect it from further damage, and varnish to give it a cleaner look. And don't forget regular maintenance! Thanks for sharing! -Kylee@Renew Crew Clean

  2. Good job with the power washer! It looks like you really got rid of all the mold and grime on your deck! Now all that’s left is to apply sealant and stain it so you don’t have to worry about mold coming back for a long time. Cheers!


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