Monday, April 29, 2013

Outdoor Fixings - The front

After our awesome night with our friends, we were all pumped up and decided to do even more outside work to extra beautify this house!
I also was really inspired by my Mom, who had called me the day before and told me how much work she had done in her yard and how gratifying it was to see a nice and clean space.

Our front yard, was in great need of some cleaning!
It still had leaves from last Fall...

So, I put my gloves on, and out I went on a weeding journey!! ;)
I cannot stand bugs of any kind ~except Ladybugs~ so gloves were a must!!! Argh, just thinking about tiny crawling, jumping, flying things give my goosebumps!

I don't know if it was because it was my own yard, or because I had gloves on, but it was a totally different experience from the one I had from growing up!  When I was a kid, my parents would ask me and my brother to weed the front yard, and honestly, I would hate it!! And every year, I would dread Spring time, because I knew we would be put at the task again...  THE BUGS WERE EVERYWHERE!!!! It was yucky! Spiders, worms, weird things came out as I would pull the weeds out of the grounds, it gave me nightmares!!  

But with my awesome gloves, I was like superwoman pulling everything like it was nothing! ~maybe I was showing off a little too! So that Hubby would tell me I was doing a great job! lol!~

That's much nicer, isn't it?!

But, that wasn't over... It had to be even nicer!
We bought red mulch from Home Depot and two tiny geraniums that I picked because they reminded me of my grandparents! ~and they're pretty too!~

Tada!!! Very beautiful!!
Mommy would be proud!! 

Make Little Changes For  A

Life in Positudiness!



  1. BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. yes !!!je suis absolument très fière de toi ! les écorces rouges, quelle bonne idée ! it's really pretty !
    et la terrasse, c'est incroyable la différence, alors Bravo à tous les 2 les loulous. maintenant j'espère qu'il va faire beau pour que vous en profitiez !


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