Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last Minute Sweet Tooth Satisfaction

My Husband and I cannot not have some kind of sweets after dinner. 

Sometimes, we try to be healthy about it, so that week we had lots of pears and strawberries, and had been eating them a few nights in a row already.  Eating the same thing over and over gets boring after a while!!  We needed change.  Yet, I couldn't let these tasty fruits go bad, so I looked at the different ingredients I could find in my kitchen at the last minute and made up these tasty treats in less than 10 minutes!

~Pears and Strawberries Tartelettes~

Ingredients for 4 tartelettes ~which means 'mini pie' in French!~:

- 3/4 of a cup of Graham Crackers 
- 1 tablespoon of melted butter
- 4 squares of chocolate
- 2 pears
- 4 big strawberries ~or more depending on the size~
- whipped cream

{make sure to click the "Read More" button under the picture for more detail}

1. Crush the graham crackers in a blender with the melted butter.

2. Divide the mix into 4 slots of a muffin pan and cook the crust. 
~I didn't bake it in the oven, instead I used a machine that you place right on top of the counter which has 4 holes like on the picture below.  However, it is definitely doable in an oven.  I would suggest to bake the crust for about 5 minutes at 400 degree, but you may want to check regularly so that it doesn't burn!!~

3. Meanwhile, peel the pears, wash the strawberries, and cut them in tiny pieces.

4. After the crust has hardened and browned, melt some chocolate right on top of the crumbles. 
~When using an oven, turn the oven off once the crusts have reached you desire brown-ness, pull the pan out to add the chocolate on top and put the pan back in the warm oven for a few seconds. Take the pan out of the oven as soon as the chocolate is melted.~

5.  Place the cut pears and strawberries on top of the melted chocolate.

6. Finish touch: top up with a scoop of whipped cream ~I used a homemade one, but you can use the store bought kind just as well!~.

7. And finally, take the tartelette out of the pan!!! 

8. Ready, set, taste!!! Yum!! Soooo delicious!

That was definitely a nice and satisfying last minute dessert!

Treat Yourself For

Life in Positudiness!

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  1. oh my word..this looks incredible. And so easy! I will definitely be trying this one soon!

    1. Thanks Chelsea!! Yes, quick and easy to make! Let me know what you think about it and if you add your own twist to it! ;)


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