Monday, January 13, 2014

Blogiversary - a 30 Day Countdown and a Giveaway

In one month today ~February 12~ Life In Positudiness will turn one!  This calls for a celebration!!
Here in the blogosphere, we call that a Blogiversary, and I want to use this special moment to share a few things with my readers ;)

Many Thanks 

I want to say a big thanks to all of you who have been reading, following and providing such great support.  Know that your encouragement feeds my inspiration to write. 

Thank you cards made by LifeInPositudiness

I love reading the comments you leave in my blog posts, Facebook Fan Page, on Instagram, Twitter, or when you pin my pictures, and especially when you take the time to share my work with your friends.  It really means the world to me.  Honestly.  My blog and Etsy shop are growing each and every day and that's just and only thanks to all of you guys!!


I would love to send you all a little gift as my Thank You, but that would be just impossible...  There's too many of you!  I have my way around this though.
To share the festivities and prove to you how much I care about your love, I will have a bunch of prizes ~priced at a total retail value of $150 USD~ available to you, the only thing is...  You have to enter the giveaway.  On February 12,  a few winners will be randomly selected!!  ~I don't choose the winners, Rafflecopter, the website I use, does this for me~
There are no rules for this one!  Just enter in whatever way you want.  Check out the giveaway engine to see how you can enter, there are LOTS of options!  Some even allow you to come back as often as you want for additional entries.  You can also participate in the 30 Day Countdown "Back to Basis" Project which will earn you one entry a day.


Here are the 8 prizes I am so excited to share with you!!

Chevron or Hexagons design (your choice),  8.5 x 11, Letter Size
($36 USD)


(1) M by Staples Arc Customizable Leather Notebook System,
Woven Brown, 9.5 x 11.5,  Letter Size 
($24 USD)

(1) M by Staples Arc Customizable Leather Notebook System,
Brown, 6.5 x 8.5, Junior Size ($18 USD)

(2) Stella & Dot Julep Bangle.  
As I announced yesterday, I am starting a new job as a Stylist for Stella & Dot.  Here one of the beautiful pieces we have.
 ($15.20 USD each)

(2) Belgian Chocolates, 1 lb 
($13 USD)

(1) Gift Card for my LifeInPositudiness Etsy Shop
$10 OFF

LIP Etsy

~Thank you for your participation!~
*Best of luck!!*
PS: Don't forget about this giveaway too ;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great giveaway and thanks for hosting!
    Happy 11 month blogiversary :)

    1. Thank you! I can't believe it's been a year already... Time flies!!


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