Sunday, January 12, 2014

What's Up with Me and LIP?

I have a lot to share with you guys, I don't even know where to start!

For a blogger with organization as the main niche, I feel like the biggest contradiction!  I'm a total living irony.  {I just had to say both words because, you know, sometimes I just don't know how to say things, and I'm not sure my point gets across...  That's the sad part of being a French girl living in the US...}
Anyways, my point is: I've been so UN-organized lately...

I have good reasons for this though, and it's all about exciting things that I am planning, starting, attending and keeping on building.

First, I will have a big announcement tomorrow morning with lots of things in it for you my friends! So stay tuned for that... { Put it in your calendars: Read LIP's post Monday, January 13th 2014!! ;) }

Then, I have to tell you...  I just started something really sweet.  A new gig.  Just for fun.  But that hopefully will help me in many ways, especially socially.  With the help of my friend Wendy ~yes the one and only, author of Pretty Well Organized~ I recently became a Stella & Dot stylist.  Many of you probably don't know the company yet, but we sell jewelry and accessories for women!  I am so excited to be a part of this and starting my little business of all things pretty!  {Feel free to visit my website and contact me for more information}

Stella & Dot
My Stella & Dot Website
Next month, I will be attending a conference for blogger called Build Your Blog Conference.  I am looking forward to this as I will be learning a lot and meeting great people.  I'm probably going to freeze my butt though because it's in Salt Lake City, UT.  I need to start getting ready, I seriously have a lot of planning to do!

Finally {for today at least}, I intend to use this new year to build a better and strong LifeInPositudiness shop.  I am going to design more pages, offer more options and ultimately implement my business the way I've dreamed it to be.

Oh well...  That's all for today.  But don't forget about tomorrow's post.

Also, you know you can win a free planner here, right?  Don't miss you!

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