Thursday, February 14, 2013

About Me

Bonjour tout le monde! 
~Hello everyone!~

I am a twenty-something French girl ~born and raised in France~.  Six years ago, I decided to leave my entire family and country for the US!  I fell in love with the "American Dream" and well... especially with a handsome and amazing American boy!

The past 6 years have been a bit hectic, especially because I was living in a foreign country far away from home and family.  But, being an Au Pair ~a live-in nanny from another country~, going to school for 4.5 years while continuously learning English as a second language, moving to different states twice, traveling, meeting extraordinary people, marrying into the American Life, all are experiences that shaped me into the person I've become.  I have learned so much from all these situations, and I am grateful for each of them.

Last December, I graduated college as a Special Education teacher, moved to another state (from FL to NJ), and married that American boy! :)
Life gets better each day!!!

We are now happily living in a rental house in NJ close to his family, but still far from mine...! 

This little piece of the Internet is my secret place to share with you ~family, friends and readers~ some of what I learn, create, cook, experience throughout my French-American journey, and what I aspire for: little steps to making life more positive and enjoyable each and every day!

**Here is more on why I started this little blog! ;)
**Looking for more info about the meaning behind the title: Click here

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