Thursday, August 22, 2013

Miss Handy Sandie

I consider myself to be quite the handy gal; give me some tools, and I’ll be the happiest person on the block!
For six months now, I have been tasting the world of arts and craft and it has been such a great addition to my life.  Before then, I used to do all kinds of fixings, organizing and creating, but now that I have the time to also make them pretty, I feel complete!

Growing up, I used to observe my father a lot.  As a woodworker of all kind and dexterous man at various other jobs, my father was and still is constantly fixing or building something around the house ~he even built an additional part to our house~.  My mother is also very handy and artistic.  She has a wonderful sense of decoration and helped my dad in the remodeling of our house.  When my brother and I were kids, I remember painting recycled glass jars with her and using them as cute Q-tips and cotton containers in our bathroom!  I thought it was the coolest thing!!

Here is a ceramic pitcher that I painted.
When I moved into my own home with my boyfriend 4 years ago, I started to see some of my creativity and handy abilities come out.  My boyfriend’s uncle gave him a tool box as a housewarming gift, but who was the most ecstatic about it?? Me of course!!!  I kept it in a friendly area of the condo and must have used at least one item a week.  I always found something to fix!

In this condo of ours, I moved the furniture around 37 times and asked my man several times to help me switch our two bedrooms from one to the other for optimization and organization purposes.  I’m always thinking of ways to make a room cozier, better utilized, more practical, and better organized.  Moving the furniture around is like an obsession, but after awhile, I just get bored of seeing the same setting and need to change things up a bit.  Thankfully, my mister is the same way and most of the time he is okay with the new looks.

Our living room in FL
Now, we are married and live in a cute little house ~a rental for now~.  I really enjoy making it our home; as always, I am constantly rearranging things, finding new and better ways to facilitate our lives in here, and organizing it.  

In February, I decided to start this blog as a way to keep my family informed with our newlyweds lives, but also to share with you, readers, some crafty projects, organizing tips, recipes, and more.

I have always loved to write ~at least in a journal!!~ and also taking pictures.  Those who know me will tell you, I take pictures of everything… too many pictures!  Creating this blog became the perfect way to combine both writing and utilizing some of my pictures.

Whether you enjoy crafting, organizing, cooking and/or are looking for ideas for all of these, this is the place for you!  
I really believe that a few hands on tasks a week will help you reach
** To read more about the meaning behind the title, go here ;) **

I cannot tell you how much I value your opinion, reaction, and story sharing.  Your feedback makes this blog writing so much worthwhile.  I truly love to read what you have to say; trust me, it makes my day every time.  So, thank you for taking the time to email me, leave a comment on the blog posts or on the social media!  I love my readers dearly, and I make sure to reply to all of you!

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

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  1. Oh my gosh, how photogenic are you?! P.S. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!

  2. Aww!!! Wow! Thank you so much! You're the best!

  3. Ohhh :) c'est trop cool! Donc ton mari est Américain?

  4. I love this my little french ballerina!!!! I love seeing everything that you do! I need you to come down here and help me organize and get our apartment cuter lol. We might move in to a bigger one in December! Maybe Ryan will let you come and visit! :-D Miss you!! Love you soooooooo Much!!!!


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