Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Brand New Office for This Girl ~ A Work In Process

So you know... as always, I just need love to rearrange my spaces.  This time, it was all about my office!  ~ Actually, it often is all about my office ;) ~ 
As I mentioned last week when I gave my desktop calendar a facelift, with everything happening in this office, it was beginning to get unpractical.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Stella & Dot Business

Last night was my very first Stella & Dot Trunk Show.  It was such a success!!!

** Hier soir, j'ai fait mon tout premier show Stella & Dot.  Ca a super bien marché!!! **

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Winter Blues Pick Me Up

These past weeks have been super frigid here in NJ ~and in a lot of states for that matter~ and well, we all know that long dreary days can affect our moods...  To remediate to the Winter Blues, I needed a little color pick me up in my office and some organization.

After the little facelift I gave my desktop calendar, I continued with the blues and added some gold touches.  Because lately, I've just been all about gold!  Who hasn't anyways?!  Gold is the new black.

Gold is almost everywhere in that room.  I even made gold hexagons decals for the walls ;) 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Calendar Facelift

New office

These past few days, I have been rearranging, redesigning, resetting my office.  I spend a lot of time in that room and wanted it to be more spacious.  Lately, it had become very unpractical, uninspirational, and cluttered.

I am loving the new airy layout ~photos coming up next week~, and now I am working on bringing some colors to this room!

I had this desktop dry erase calendar for a while, but as you can see, I hadn't used it since September. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bill Payment Organization

Today, I am officially starting my part as a contributor to Pretty Well Organized.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Back to Basics - a Project

Life In Positudiness 

Blogiversary ~ Back to Basics

During this 30 Day Countdown to Life In Positudiness’s first blog anniversary, let’s get “Back to Basics”.  

When I first started my blog, I envisioned it filled with the important things that make me happy and would help me keep a positive attitude about life.  Don’t we all need little reminders once in a while?  
Organization ideas, craft projects, recipes, travel pictures and more are all big ideas that daily play into that concept.

For the next 30 days, I invite you all to reflect and share what a Life Filled with Positive Attitude means to you.  No matter how big or small it may be, what makes you smile, what makes you enjoy life that much better?  
When you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, look for something around you that will cheer you up?!  

By taking pictures and sharing them, you are making memories.  You are proving yourself and showing your friends that anything is possible.  

Blogiversary - a 30 Day Countdown and a Giveaway

In one month today ~February 12~ Life In Positudiness will turn one!  This calls for a celebration!!
Here in the blogosphere, we call that a Blogiversary, and I want to use this special moment to share a few things with my readers ;)

Many Thanks 

I want to say a big thanks to all of you who have been reading, following and providing such great support.  Know that your encouragement feeds my inspiration to write. 

Thank you cards made by LifeInPositudiness

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What's Up with Me and LIP?

I have a lot to share with you guys, I don't even know where to start!

For a blogger with organization as the main niche, I feel like the biggest contradiction!  I'm a total living irony.  {I just had to say both words because, you know, sometimes I just don't know how to say things, and I'm not sure my point gets across...  That's the sad part of being a French girl living in the US...}
Anyways, my point is: I've been so UN-organized lately...

I have good reasons for this though, and it's all about exciting things that I am planning, starting, attending and keeping on building.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Version Francaise - Photo a Day Contest

Pour mes francophones chéris!!

J'ai le plaisir de vous announcer, en français (la version original en anglais ce trouve ici), que je lance un défi photo pour le mois de janvier qui commence des demain.  C'est très simple et overt a tous! Il vous faut en revanche avoir Instagram, l'application la plus top pour prendre et partager vos photos!!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Photo Contest and a Giveaway

Hey Guys,

So as promised, I have a fun something something for you!

If you have been following me for a while, you should know I looove Instagram.  It's such a great tool for making memories and sharing the little things of life.

IG Profile

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New Horizon

Happy New Year Dear Friends!!!!

I hope you all had fabulous holidays. 

My husband and I spent Christmas by my family, in France, this year.  We had a great week.  
Sorry for the blurry pic...
I was enjoying a nice cup of Vin Chaud (warm wine, not sure what it's called in English) at the Christmas Market in my hometown, Annecy France.

Today, I had the privilege to be introduced by Wendy, the creator and author of Pretty Well Organized, as a contributor to her blog for 2014!
Along with three other talented ladies, Niki from Hello Stripes, Angela from Blue i Style and Lisa from Dwell Delightfully, I will be sharing my way on organizing different part of my house and life!

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