Friday, March 29, 2013

Getting back on track!!

It has been what feels like for ever since I've written a post... I've been so busy trying to organize my life, my house, that I haven't been taking the time to do what really matters to me... Write and share some of my ideas with you!
I've been so caught up in the obligations that life brings to us ~yes, cleaning up a house in order to be able to walk without tripping over boxes seems to be an obligation! ; doing paperwork because since we just got married there are a lot of things to take care of, especially with me being French; doing taxes (yup, it's that time of the year!) etc, etc...~ I feel like I've been stuck in doing only things that don't really matter... but hey! This blog is about a Life in Positudiness, isn't it!!? So let's look at the positive outcomes from the past weeks:

     1. I finally have all my stuff (my life!) with me!
     2. I have been spending time fixing things (putting shelves up, pictures...) with my hubby which in a weird way maybe I enjoy a lot! ~I like giving him orders! haha! Just kidding!
     3. We now have a very cozy comfortable welcoming bedroom
     4. We have a real office with furniture!!
     5. I completely organized the kitchen and was able to fit all we have - this was quite a challenge, but I'm pretty happy with the results.

And, the best thing of all is that I have lots of material to share! Of course, I took pictures of everything to show you before and after (or more like "in progress") pictures and other things like such.
So, finally today, since it is Friday and I fully intend on having a Funtastic Friday, I am stopping "life" and taking a chance to do "my" thing and write away!!

Here's what ~the main task~ we've been up to at the Hillside Residence!
Trying to clear this up from here:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Organizing Wrapping Papers

Wrapping papers and shelf liners are full of colors, designs, shapes, flowers...  They can really be beautiful and also useful around the house.  Whether I need to cover shelves, beautify a box or simply wrap a present, I like to keep my papers nearby for a quick and easy access.  
However, these rolls of papers can be tricky and well... roll all over the place.  

In this post, I am going to show you a very simple way to organize and store them and say goodbye to messy rolling rolls!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Moving In Finally!!

Hubby just left to go pick up our "Pod" ~moving container~ from Uhaul!!!

We had all of our living supplies ~clothes, kitchen stuff, minor furniture...~ shipped from our condo in South Florida where we lived for 4 years, for school reasons,

Friday, March 8, 2013

Funtastic Friday!

Happy Friday Everyone!

I have decided that Fridays would be my special day.  I am starting a challenge where every Friday I will make sure that I have some FUN, whether it is working on a special project or doing something else that stands out of my ordinary routine.

No matter what nor how much chores I have to do on that day, I strongly intend on keeping aside some time for some well deserved "me time"!  What do you think?  Is it doable?!  
We all need to think about ourselves once in a while, and what a great way to get ready for the weekend!

So... Who is with me?!!!

Today is a snow day, I guess I'll stay in!

I love looking at snowy landscape, but don't quite feel comfortable walking outside on slippery sidewalks nor getting in my car!

I am going to get onto a crafty project in the warmth of my home!

What will you do today on this Funtastic Friday??!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Prettifying Metal Can for Office

I like to reuse household items whenever possible.  A simple example of this is using an empty ~and cleaned of course!!~ can as a pen holder.  
So I figured that if I was going to use such a cheap thing to hold my pens in the office, I could at least beautify it a bit! 

Needed for this project: 
  • a can
  • duck tapes ~2 different colors~
  • a pretty ribbon

~Vegetable Can becomes Pen Holder~

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Crock-Pot Veggies and Salmon

I just purchased a crock-pot ~last Sunday~ so I had to try it asap!!

I had no idea what to make, but had a lot of vegetables ~as usual~ and was craving salmon.
I made a simple and very healthy meal with Fingerling potatoes, carrots, mini peppers, one onion and well... Salmon!!

I cut up my carrots in slices, cut the potatoes in halves or thirds ~leaving the skin on~ and thinly sliced the peppers.  I also chopped the onion.  I threw everything right in the pot, on top of a nice mixture of olive oil and herbs, and put the crock-pot on low for 7 hours.

I loved how each time I walked by the kitchen it smelled so delicious!
And 7 hours later, I had some beautifully cooked veggies.  Honestly, I was actually aiming for a roasted kind, but I'm not sure that's what I got! I really should follow a recipe next time!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bathroom Mirror Cabinet

Renting a house as a newly wed couple has lots of advantages, and we are so grateful that we found this house.
However, it comes with some downsides.
There is a lot of work that should be done in the house we live in to make it more enjoyable for anyone ~and not have to stick with the old fashion decor~ but since we don't own it, we won't spend the time and money on it.  So instead, I look for ways to make it nicer.

Today, I decided to beautify the bathroom mirror cabinet.
I was inspired by the author of

Jen likes to put shelf liners or other pretty papers in her drawers for a "happy surprise", and although this was not a drawer or a shelf, I thought I could make it happier looking!

I really don't like the color of the cabinet, and the inside makes me not want to open it!  It's plain gold, has a lot of scratches and just looks old.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kitchen Arrangement 3/3 ~ Beautifying a Little Something!

Last week, when I started rearranging my kitchen,  I assigned my husband and I a specific place ~a ceramic tile~ for our respective glasses for water.

But just in case the color difference was not enough ~Blue for him, Beige for me~ I decided to embellish them with some metallic glass enamel paint.

~In French, "Elle" means "Her", and "Lui" is "Him"~

That's really it, very simple, but it's cute, and I'm sure Hubby will like it!  
He loves anything French!  ~ Well sure... I guess that's why he married me!!! ;) ~
Plus, that way it will teach him 2 new words!!!

Maybe I should do this more often... Name everything around the house for him to learn my language!! haha!! That would be fun!
And then, I'll teach you guys too! What do you think?! 

Make Little Changes For  A

Life in Positudiness!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Updating Under-the-Kitchen-Sink Cabinet!

Rearranging the kitchen is a lot of fun, especially when you end up with more space in the room! 

Last Tuesday, I rearranged the cabinet under the kitchen sink {click link to view post} by just adding an upside-down cardboard box ~found in my basement, ready to go to the recycle center~ and 2 small plastic bins form the dollar store.


It's been more practical.  Now I can get anything I need right away, without moving stuff around!

Today, I wanted to beautify it a bit.
I simply added a colorful polka dot shelf liner on top of the box ~found at my local dollar store~ and... Ta Da!!

It makes it so cute! Or at least more enjoyable to look at!

Simple, easy, tiny change... Love it!!

Make Little Changes For  A

Life in Positudiness!


Friday, March 1, 2013

2 months anniversary!

My Hubby is the best!!

He texted me on his way home from work to ask me if he could cook dinner tonight ~ a first since we've been living in this house, so I was really happy and excited!

Then, he came home with fresh meat, olives, a baguette, and ... this beautiful bouquet.
He gave it to me saying "Happy Two Months"!!
     ~I know, it's only been two months, but we are really excited about being married, so each month means a lot to us!~

I was so embarrassed...
I had completely forgotten it was our wedding anniversary...
That's because of silly February with only 28 days and NO 29th!!! It tricked me, I didn't see the number 29, so I didn't even think about it!

Thank you so much Hubby! I love you!

Seize The Day For  A

Life in Positudiness!


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